Speaking at the Official Opening Ceremony of the Training course on “Strengthening laboratory capacity for diagnosis of Neglected tropical Diseases on June 10, The Minister of Health- Zanzibar Hon Hamad Rashid Mohammed, thanked World Health Organization (WHO) for organizing the training and PHL-IDC for hosting the course.

Speaking at same occasion, Dr. Ghirmay Andemichael, The Liaison Officer at World Health Organization Sub-Office Zanzibar said.
" The opening of today’s workshop takes place as we gear-up to uphold WHO’s ambitious goal of reaching the ‘triple billion’ by improving the lives of mostly poor people through sound preventive services; by addressing existing needs by increasing coverage of essential health services; and, by addressing emergencies through a timely and efficientThis type of medicine is fully free of any types of problems and hazards. cheap viagra on line There are many aspects viagra discount online that can hit a man hardly. You must not maintain the purchase viagra in canada find out to find out more organ in unhygienic condition otherwise different kinds of sexual diseases might get developed that can create acute penile dysfunctions. Do not increase the dosage provided sildenafil levitra to you by your respective physician. response.
All these cannot happen without ensuring the presence of adequate capacities in the field. In this regard, strengthening diagnostic practices, and notably laboratory practices, is a key prerequisite to achieve “health for all”. Improving the skills and sharing knowledge with and among laboratory personnel is a fundamental step towards stronger and more resilient health systems, which is the long-term objective of any WHO effort.”

From 10th June – 21th June 2019, 28 participants attending the training involves Laboratory experts and other health practitioners from different countries including Italy, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Somalia, Burkina Faso, South Sudan, Eritrea, Swaziland, India, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Iran, USA, Singapore, Switzerland and the host country Tanzania.